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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Home Sweet Home

I have had a lot of questions from my Hutch peeps about "The Cat House" and the progress.  My blog sort of stopped (anyone who knows me gets why that happened.  I wonder if I will ever be able to make that a regular thing?) Some thought "cat house" referred to some sort of house of prostitution.  Lol.  Um, no.  It referred to the smell of cat urine in this house the moment we walked in the first time we saw it.  It was disgusting.

Those days are long gone thank goodness.  I just finished a Christmas gift for mom and dad about the renovation; a retelling of the entire process, if you will.  Looking back on the whole thing was so much fun.  I had forgotten little details and all the fun we had.  I am so thankful to those two for all they did to help me make my dreams, both big and small, become a reality where this house is concerned.  I love it.