Then it was time for pictures. There seemed to be a lot of concern about how long I had to lay there with my arms over my head. Really? I have to lay her for 15 minutes? No problem! It was like a vacay!
After that it was time for more pics. Then I was outta there.
I got a call a couple of days later. You know that call the one where they say "Doctor would like you
to come in to discuss your test results". Me: "Can't you tell me?" Them: "No, Doctor would like to tell you". Crap.
to come in to discuss your test results". Me: "Can't you tell me?" Them: "No, Doctor would like to tell you". Crap.
Seems I had an episode of ventricular tachycardia during my stress test. Sigh. Ok, what does that mean? Well, what it means is my MVP is affecting my heartbeat to the point where it could cause damage to my heart. They will replace my valve if it ever gives out. I said, replace it now. They said that wasn't a choice. I had to wait until it stopped working. Hmmm. Logic, to me, would be to replace it when I am 46 rather than 86 but I am just a lowly person who is not in the medical field. Oh well, right? In addition, to c
ontrol the heartbeats on a daily basis I was put on beta blockers. I HATE THEM. I am exhausted and out of breath...well out of breath for the first two weeks. That is sort of tapering off. But it is really obvious when I work out that my heartrate is not rising (the meds are designed to keep the beat steady). I feel awful when I'm on the treadmill. I hate that!
ontrol the heartbeats on a daily basis I was put on beta blockers. I HATE THEM. I am exhausted and out of breath...well out of breath for the first two weeks. That is sort of tapering off. But it is really obvious when I work out that my heartrate is not rising (the meds are designed to keep the beat steady). I feel awful when I'm on the treadmill. I hate that!
Me: Am I supposed to be feeling all of this?
Them: NO. You don't feel this.
Me. Uh, yes I do.
Them: Give her more Versed.
Me: Still feeling it. (And let me just tell you that it hurt like a son of a bitch...I wish I was lying.)
Them: Well, we are done now.
I had a cavity about a year ago that had to be filled. The dentist had to give me 11 shots of novocaine to numb my mouth. That, together with this incident, tells me that I might have a problem with getting knocked out/numbing for pain. Good gravy! OUCH!
Her: Now when you go home if you start to spurt, call 911.
Me: What?
Her: You know, spurt, gush blood. Call 911 because you can bleed out.
Did you really just say that? She loved the word spurt. Used it over and over for th
e next hour. My son's face when she said it the first time was priceless. Still makes me laugh. We played the online version of Cards Against Humanity to pass the time. Fun.
e next hour. My son's face when she said it the first time was priceless. Still makes me laugh. We played the online version of Cards Against Humanity to pass the time. Fun.
The last little treat I had before leaving was the removal of the IV. I have to say that I am needlephobic. IVs were the worst part of having babies. I really don't like them. To that end, it was time to take it out. I was sitting in a chair and Spurt Lady just sort of yanked the tape off and pulled out the IV in one swoop.
Her: Oh, you ARE a spurter.
Me: What?!
Her: (Pushing on my hand that is now bleeding all over the place) I guess I should have laid you down to do this.
Me: (breathing deeply, trying not to pass ou.......) Damn.
All in all, with what others have to do this was a piece of cake. I don't ever want to do it again, but if I have to will advocate for more pain meds and a better nurse. The kids were great.
The message that I want to leave women with is this: I am glad I went to the doctor to get things checked out. Who knows what would have happened if I had let it go. We, as a gender, are known for putting up with health annoyances and concerns because we are too busy or are great at putting our heads in the sand. Don't be a statistic. If you think something is wrong, go get it checked out. Better to be safe than sorry.
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