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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Mango - My New Obsession

The kids and I went on our first cruise this past summer.  To get out of town and relax for five days was fabulous...the drink I discovered while on our cruise was life changing.  I know that sounds dramatic, but was that good.

Relaxing on the Serenity Deck.
My favorite spot in the world. 
It's called a Kiss on the Lips.  (yes, ordering it can be both a fun adventure and embarrassing - depends on your server)
Server:  What can I get you?
Me:  A Kiss on the Lips
Server:  Um, seriously, what can I get you....
Me:  (mortified because bartender was hot and now he thinks I hit on him!)
See, it seems that one can only get this drink (in public) on a Carnival Cruise ship.  That's ok, though. Pinterest to the rescue once again.  Here is the recipe:
Sensing a theme?

Kiss on the Lips


  •        1 1/2 oz Peach Schnapps
  •        4-6 oz Mango Mix 
  •        1 tbsp Grenadine


  • Mix schnapps and mango mix in a blender, then swirl in grenadine. Garnish with a pineapple slice and cherry.

My first thought when I found the recipe was; "what the heck is mango mix?".  Unable to abandon my quest, I looked further and found that people use mango juice, ready-made mango smoothies or what I chose, frozen mango from my local Kroger store (approximately 1 cup).  I throw the mango in a blender with the Schnapps and a little mango juice or water and blend.  Then continue the recipe you see above.  It. Is. So. Good.  Really.

It's so good, in fact, that I wanted a healthy way to enjoy this drink so back to Pinterest I went.  This time I found a recipe for mango smoothies. They are also wonderful and can be a great breakfast or snack.

Here's the recipe:
Mango Smoothie
1/2 c frozen mango
1  container Vanilla Yoplait Light
2 tsp honey
water (use enough for your desired thickness)
Directions:  Put all ingredients in a blender.  Turn it on.  Watch it spin.  Get a straw...enjoy.  :-)

Now I want one.  Yum.  I had shied away from this delectable fruit in the past because a) they seemed expensive and b) I'd never tried one.  Shame on me.  In addition to a treat for my pallet, I've found I love the smell as well.  Mango candles, body wash, yep - sign me up.  The only thing I've had to throw out is a drink mix (like Crystal Light but Walmart brand).  It was quite disgusting.

Finally, until six months ago, THIS was the only Mango I knew about.  Remember him?
Hahahahahahahahaha....he was a goofy character on SNL, but he did make me laugh.

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