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Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year/New Blog

I’ll admit it - I’ve dabbled in blogging before.  Well, on the work front I have more than dabbled (see my technology blog here), but on a personal, life level, I’ve started numerous times only to crash and burn after the first few posts.  This time, who knows...maybe it will stick.  Even if nobody reads this but me, it’s a fun and interesting way to chronicle projects I’m working on, books I’m reading and other things that catch my fancy.  Perhaps one day my future grandchildren will read this and think their Grams was a rather interesting lady - or, with my luck, an old coot.  Ha!  
It’s hard to believe it is January 1, 2015.  I keep seeing resolution posts all over social media and on TV and it makes me twitchy.  I know I should have resolutions (that last 10 pounds isn’t going away unless I hit the gym harder), but in past years, I’ve always felt like a complete and total loser when January 3rd rolled around and I’d  already quit.  I did see somebody post on Pinterest that the world’s resolution this year should be to love themselves more.  Hmmm...seems to me that in this day and age of “me, me, me” people with inflated egos could use a tad of self-flagellation (kidding) or at least perspective so they’ll stop thinking only of themselves and start thinking about others...but who am I to judge, right?
So what does 2015 hold for me?  I have no earthly idea.  I’d like to work on several projects I’ve pinned to my overstuffed Pinterst boards. (Side note:  can you imagine what your life would look like if you successfully completed and cooked all things you pinned to Pinterest?)  I’d like to read “52 in 52” - fifty two books in fifty two weeks and blog about them - that’d be neat.  I’d also like to keep my house organized, see my adult children happy, figure out how to keep my car clean for longer than a week, pray more, eat less, listen harder, hold my tongue, keep my pets clean and well behaved, my work life productive and my digital life safe.  Whew.  I’m exhausted just picturing all of it.    I think I’ll take it a day at a time and see where the journey leads.  Right now it’s leading me to a “Blue Bloods” binge on Netflix and a glass of wine.  Cheers!  Happy New Year!

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