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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Pinterest Fail #1: Zucchini Chips

The title of this post is a bit deceiving.  There have been a myriad of Pinterest FAILS in my life; this just happens to be the first of 2015.

In an effort to avoid junk food, B and I decided to attack our "Healthy Eating" Pinterest boards.  One of the easiest snacks we found was Zucchini Chips.  I thought this was fantastic!  Not only would it be HEALTHY, but we were still getting CHIPS!!  That's the best of both worlds, right?

We found this recipe and followed explicitly, or so we thought.  We sliced, we used our sea salt and olive oil.  We were right on track; then we pulled them out of the oven.  Those things were sad, shrunken, little rounds of "disgustingness".  First, hey they were the size of a half dollar when we put them in the oven and the size of a nickle when we pulled them out.  What?  Next, they were in the oven (and repeatedly checked) for the full amount of time.  Some were a nice brown and others needed more time.  Last but certainly not least, they tasted awful.  We obviously did something wrong but it will be awhile before we give it another go - the taste lingers and it's not good. Lol.   If you've got any tips or ideas about what we did wrong, let me know!

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