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Friday, March 4, 2016

Water, water, everywhere...

I never knew the ramifications of a house sitting empty, before now.  Apparently, pipes that aren't used for an extended amount of time need to be "redone".  Again, I am no Einstien with the lingo, all I know is that things are leaking.  All.  Of.  The.  Things.  From the kitchen sink and the master shower, to the laundry hook ups and the basement toilet, things are wet.  The look on my dad's face says it all!  I know he is wondering what in the heck he got himself into.  There is only one of him and a million things wrong with the house.  Don't get me wrong, the rest of us aren't sitting around eating bon-bons while he is working himself to death.  We are cleaning, removing trim, scrubbing dirt etc.  The problem is, none of the rest of us have the skill set that Dad has.  Ugh.  These pictures are what I came home to after teaching today.  Apparently, the master shower has been leaking for some time and thank goodness it was discovered before the drywall guy came.  A day without surprises would be terrific!

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